
Showing posts from March, 2018

Arduino: Micro-controlling your mundane tasks for you

Recently, I was watching DIY or Do-It-Yourself video on YouTube about controlling the lights at home.  The project involves something called microcontroller. That increased my curiosity and I searched about it. Interestingly there is a whole new field of creative projects in which microcontrollers are used, and not only professionals but individual with some knowledge of electronics, with interest in basic programming can do that. I find out that Arduino microcontrollers are the front runner in this field. The best part of Arduino is that it is open source, which means that anyone can use it. Anyone with a project in mind, which involves some control over electronics or electro-mechanical gadgets or devices, then be it designer, architect, artists or just an enthusiast, with the flexibility of Arduino, the project can be taken to next level. How it all began The story behind the naming of Arduino is also very interesting. The microcontroller is named after the bar in Ivre

Li-Fi: Can it light up the digital communication

I live in a country where the technology and networking is just started to pick up pace. We are still on 2G/3G/4G networks with not necessarily getting the quality of data speed. The disconnections are frequent and promises of MBps merely trickles to few KBps or worse. Modest downloads, hilariously sometime shows weeks’ time to complete. In this scenario sometimes I imagine, what would it be like to have a speed at which I don’t have to wait for streaming, buffering and that too in full HD or Blu-ray quality. It looks little out of league as of now but companies are working hard to grab a share by improving their infrastructure, technology upgrade and competitive price. I was reading across such advancements and breakthroughs and came across one such cutting edge technology which is still in its nascent stage but conceptualization was done at the starting of this decade. I am talking about Li-Fi just like Wi-Fi. Frankly speaking, I have come through this word couple of year

Sonoluminescence: Creating Light From Sound

Nature is full of wonders, sometimes what you see is unbelievable and the other time, what you believe may not be part of nature.  Sonoluminescence is one such counter intuitive phenomenon, which is very rare and took scientists off guard. What more, this phenomenon is demonstrated by a tiny critter in the ocean, Mantis Shrimp. What is Sonoluminescence? Sono means sound, while lumen means light. The word literally means creation of light from sound, which may sound impossible , as it was to me in the beginning but there is scientific explanation to it.  Technically, it is a pulse of light, which is generated when a bubble collapse over itself. This bubble is generated by the sudden outburst of sound. It is basically a conversion of acoustical or sound energy into light energy which is part of nucleation, growth and collapse of bubbles in liquid. 2) Behind the scene There is more to it, the bubble generated during this process makes the surrounding water hotter tha