
Showing posts from 2017

HTML Overlay with Shotcut

Transcription/प्रतिलिपि Hi and welcome, sometimes it is required to show the scrolling text, subtitles or simple text over the video. Though, Shotcut do not support inbuilt subtitle feature, still it is planned for future, still the time line is not decided. Still, we have a workaround for this. If want to show static simple background, you can use an image file, or you can use a solid color. However, there are 3 filters for this in Shotcut which are 3D Text, Overlay HTML, and Text. The filters should be applied on your clip or track. This video is about the Overlay HTML filter in Shotcut which includes a simply What you see is what you get or visual HTML editor accessible through the Edit button on this filter’s control panel. We will talk more about this later. Let’s get started Create a new project in Shotcut or open an existing project in which you want to create html overlay. In order, to create an html overlay we need to pre-prepare our html to get it displ

HTML Introduction: Part 5, Style Tag

Transcription/प्रतिलिपि Hello and Welcome to another session on HTML series. We have covered quite a lot in past four sessions which you may want to check out. In the earlier sessions, we started from the beginning of, what is HTML, to different tags, and associated attributes to tags in details like, IMG tag and its attributes, for embedding images in HTML document. In this session, we will consider another such attribute common in some tags, that is style attribute. Please note that to have hands on experience, modify the code accordingly. The HTML Style Attribute is for setting different styles of an HTML element. To apply style on supported HTML element, write the HTML element and define the style property as the syntax shown. Syntax - < tagname style="property:value;" > The property defines, what style is to be set for the HTML element. The property is something which is called CSS property or cascading style sheet. CSS is used to define all the styl

HTML Introduction Part 4: Images

Transcription/प्रतिलिपि Hello and Welcome to another session on HTML series. We have covered quite a lot in past three sessions which you may want to check out. In the earlier sessions, we started from the beginning of What is HTML to different tags and associated attributes. In this session, we will consider one such element image or IMG tag. Please note that to have hands on experience, replace the name and path of the image you want to display in the code provided in description. Images are the most prominent element of our HTML page, it catches user attention and can improve the design and the appearance of a web page. In HTML, images are defined with the IMG tag.   The IMG tag is empty, it contains attributes only, and does not have a closing tag. This means that IMG tag does not have a container for the text to surround, instead it has attributes to display texts in certain situations. IMG tag contains the SRC attribute, which specifies the URL (web address) of th

HTML Introduction Part 3 : Tags Continued

Transcription/प्रतिलिपि In last session we learned about, Paragraph Tag to set paragraph. Line Break Tag for new line. body tag with attributes to set Background image, Bgcolor for background color and, Text. Color Tag for setting color of the text to be displayed. For formatting of texts, we discussed Heading Tags for headlines, Font for setting font face, size and color. Plus, we can also make text bold, italic, and underline with respective texts. Let’s understand few newer tags, and associated attributes to make are HTML page more attractive. All the HTML pages shown in this session has code in the description for you to try. For this, open a notepad and copy the code from description and save it as HTML file. Open saved HTML file by double click to view the HTML. We learned few of the attributes of body tag in last session. with Left, and top margin Attribute. we can set margin or spacing from the top or left in HTML document. The values can be given in pixels or

HTML Introduction Part 2: TAGS

Transcription/प्रतिलिपि In the last session, we introduced you to Hyper Text Markup Language or HTML. HTML is structure of tags which are used to display text in specific style. Let’s look in to it in more detail. Paragraph Tag - As the name suggest, if the HTML page contains multiple paragraphs, this tag helps in defining the paragraphs body. It is a type of container tag and, it is a way to structure your text into different paragraphs. Each paragraph of text should go in between an opening and a closing tag. Open a notepad and copy the code from description and save it as HTML file. Open saved HTML file by double click. Notice text with and without paragraph. Line Break Tag is used to Whenever you use the BR element or break rule, anything following it starts from the next line. This tag is an example of an empty element, where you do not need opening and closing tags, as there is nothing to go in between them. Open a notepad and copy the code from descriptio