
Showing posts from November, 2018

Biased (Positive) Review of POCO F1 by Xiomi

Why any of us buy new phone? May be because of adrenaline rush of new device, the sense of pride, show off or old one is outdated or not working anymore. Whatever may be the reason buying new phone these days is a task. Gone are the days when you know what you want to buy. In India Nokia was our only savior, we know 3310, 3510 and so on...   Buying New Phone Recently, my year and half old phone started showing signs of age (lol) and I thought great time to buy new phone. Now, comes the dilemma of choice. The market is flooded with choices cheap to expensive, entry to premium. one should know all these terms to be specific plus there is a fear of left behind and missed out exclusive offers this festive season. Anyhow I searched the market and made up my mind to have some defined criteria like first and foremost budget, RAM, Processor, Camera, Memory, Screen Display, Sound etc. my order of priority. The Filters Filling in the details. I want it to be entry to mid-range (

प्रभु के वचन (एक कविता)

एक छोटी सी कविता, जो शायद प्रभुः के मन के भाव को दर्शाती है, की अगर वो आज के समय के मानव से कुछ कहना चाहें, तो क्या कहेंगे। मिट्टी की मूरत , शरीर तेरा , मुझको अपने जैसा , बना रहा , भूल गया तू , कुम्हार कौन है , परमसत्य से , बना अंजान है , छल का चोला , ओढ़ा है , नित नया दिखावा , करता है , अपने मन से पूछ ज़रा , क्या उसने ये स्वीकारा है ? ये जगत छल है , सिर्फ़ रैन बसेरा , तू है पंछी , अब छोड़ घोंसला , भाग्य तेरा , लिखा जा चुका , पर तू अपने कर्मो का मालिक है , भाग रहा , तू जिस भीड़ में , वो अंधों की दौड़ है , चल पड़ा जो , तू मेरी ओर सारी माया , पीछे छोड़ , जितना सोचा , ज़्यादा पाया , फ़िर काहे की प्यास है .. मैं तेरा , तू मेरा है , बस इतना विश्वास कर , अँखिया तेरी मुझको ढूंढे , मैं तो तेरी हर साँस में , ज्ञान चक्षु तू खोल ज़रा , मैं   तो तेरी हर आस में।           द्वारा  अभिनव भटनागर  © २०१८  यह कविता संत कबीर दास की कविता &q

India International Trade Fair- 2018

From my early childhood memories, Trade Fair holds a special place.  Each year during our visit to my aunt after exams (Education was much simpler in those days). I used to count days on my fingers for days left to visit trade fair. My first visit was most special for me.  Me and my cousins ran from stall to stall to collect different colorful pamphlets just for fun. It was sort of game that who will collect the most. This year though construction is going on in Pragati Maidan where trade fair is organized every year. The area for the fair is considerably limited but it still brings back the nostalgia of child hood.  First ever International Trade fair organized in the year of 1980. India Trade Promotion agency or ITPO organize this event every year in the month of November from 14 th  To 27 th . This event which is one of the major event for both business and consumer community is organized in Pragati Maidan, which is in capital of India, Delhi. Tr