Mindful Monday Series - Brain

What is sharper than a knife? Deeper than Ocean? Faster than light? and is more complex than super computer? The mind of course.

Mind has the power to win the world, thoughts so deep, visit distant places in imagination in a blink and back but all its mysteries are still unsolved.

Let’s explore some of the interesting facts in this Mindful Monday Series
What we call mind is rather a nexus or interconnection of neurons working together to generate collective simulation of consciousness. This what gives us perception of reality, thinking ability. This collection stores our experiences as memory, shape our character, give us judgement poser and ability to sense touch, smell, hear, see and not only that we sympathize, empathize work together to create society, nation and shape world.

Sometimes, we refer our mind like person within ourselves to whom we talk, get angry with, argue with.

Brain Facts - Do You Know?

1. Our brain is the most power-hungry organ in body. It consumes 20% - 30% of nutrition through blood supply and generate around 23watt of power and heat. That is why our head is warmer than rest of the body.

2. The brain doesn’t have any pain receptors which essential means that the brain is not susceptible to pain even when it is under injury, medical condition or surgery. thought it has around 100 billion neurons.

3. Brain is a very dynamic organ and it changes its self-based on the experiences and new learning, this is called neuroplasticity.

4. According to common misconception and mostly dramatized in the films like Lucy, Limitless that our brain uses only 10 percent of it is false. Nature is based on optimization. if something is not optimized according the environment around, it will be extinct by natural selection. Thus, we use 100% of our brain all the time, just some of the regions become more active during certain type of activities.

5.Brain has most neurons at the time of the birth but new connections are made every day in the brain, when something new is learned, experienced or memorized. This is one of the best way to keep your brain healthy. Meditation, Exercise, adequate sleep and balanced diet increase your brain power.

6. A cell known as Glial Cells have a function to protect the neurons, provide nutrition and oxygen to them. They insulate neurons from one another and do damage control to neurons as well.

7. Even if our vision is in front of our face, still the occipital lobe which is responsible for it is located at the back of brain.

8. Our brain has more type of cells than any other tissue in our body and to think of our brain is shrinking during evolution. Still it is made of 60% of fat and survive only on oxygen and glucose.

9. Apart from healthy routine, sleep is brains best friend. The healthy sleep hours help brain to re-catalogue the days activities, experiences and memories and create some new connections between neurons. Sleeping also helps in improving judgement and reaction time.

Like our body which needs exercise to keep it in shape. Our brain also needs some exercise to keep it active. I certainly like to solve some puzzles and riddles to keep myself creative. I have collected few interesting activities which may help you in keeping yourself up a notch.

1 Making Sense of Optical Illusion – Optical Illusion is one of the oldest trick to keep our brain occupied in understanding and finding the logic behind it. Our brain loves to find logic behind everything and it goes on hyperdrive if something doesn’t make sense. Optical illusions are best example of it.

2. Serious Problem Solving -  can be one of the best way to train your brain in the situation of problem or decision making. Consider an example where you should solve the situation based on certain rules to reach the desired result like crossing the river problem where you have to cross the river with one boat in which only two things can go at a time and you should transport Lion, Goat and a Grass. And each cannot be left alone with its natural predator. How will you solve the situation in minimum required moves?

3. Improving Sensory perception - apart from optical illusion, I would suggest honing your other senses as well one at a time to teach your brain new experiences and see if it can get creative like new smells, sensing familiar touch, taste differences etc. These keen observations help brain to have an ability of understanding the surrounding at the time of need.

 With new advancements in medical science we are certainly moving in right direction. There is so much to explore and understand related with our mind that it may take several years to get full understanding and working of it. Implants and receptors are helping patients with Neuro-Medical conditions to live their lives normally.  I think our brain is one of the most vital and precious organ of our body and should be taken care with utmost importance otherwise we would be no more than a zombie or vegetable...

Other Creations
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References -
Mind - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind
Mind - http://www.dictionary.com/browse/mind

Images - Pixabay


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