
Showing posts from 2018

Drawing with XP-Pen Deco 3

The Cherry Tree In the last blog, I discussed on my selection process of drawing tablet. With so many choices available and considering the price point factor, I decided to try out XP-PEN Deco 3. I must tell you that I have never used drawing tablet before this one and I have zero experience with digital art even I don't have any advance drawing software’s. I am doing all this for only one reason, I love drawing and painting and I am novice in that also. And this is not a sponsored post (I would love to review their other products though). I have Deco3 for a week now and I bought it with zero expectation and experience. The only grudge that I had is that it is costlier in India. In United States, it is less than 100$ while in India currently it is more than 190$, which is as much as twice the price. That said, I am very satisfied with the drawing tablet itself. This drawing tablet is packed with lots of features which is still hard to find in other professional ta

Choosing Digital Drawing Tablet

Drawn by me through digital tablet. I hold digital pen for the first time. No doubt, the work of art is all about creativity and skills. Its artists imagination and hard work that we see on canvas or on screen. But sometimes it is imperative to have some tools at your disposal to help you bring out your imagination into reality. specially in the world of digital art. The kind of art work we see today is clearly very difficult to achieve, if not impossible, with the help of standard mouse and keyboard combination. Digital art has come a long way from the days of scanning real life art work and publishing to digital drawing tablets. I have a confession to make. I am not an artist nor I have any experience of digital art. I only have drawing and painting as a hobby for my free time. For quite some time I was amazed by the talent and the kind of art that is published on digital media and how they are created. This gives me an opportunity to upgrade myself from pen and paper

Biased (Positive) Review of POCO F1 by Xiomi

Why any of us buy new phone? May be because of adrenaline rush of new device, the sense of pride, show off or old one is outdated or not working anymore. Whatever may be the reason buying new phone these days is a task. Gone are the days when you know what you want to buy. In India Nokia was our only savior, we know 3310, 3510 and so on...   Buying New Phone Recently, my year and half old phone started showing signs of age (lol) and I thought great time to buy new phone. Now, comes the dilemma of choice. The market is flooded with choices cheap to expensive, entry to premium. one should know all these terms to be specific plus there is a fear of left behind and missed out exclusive offers this festive season. Anyhow I searched the market and made up my mind to have some defined criteria like first and foremost budget, RAM, Processor, Camera, Memory, Screen Display, Sound etc. my order of priority. The Filters Filling in the details. I want it to be entry to mid-range (

प्रभु के वचन (एक कविता)

एक छोटी सी कविता, जो शायद प्रभुः के मन के भाव को दर्शाती है, की अगर वो आज के समय के मानव से कुछ कहना चाहें, तो क्या कहेंगे। मिट्टी की मूरत , शरीर तेरा , मुझको अपने जैसा , बना रहा , भूल गया तू , कुम्हार कौन है , परमसत्य से , बना अंजान है , छल का चोला , ओढ़ा है , नित नया दिखावा , करता है , अपने मन से पूछ ज़रा , क्या उसने ये स्वीकारा है ? ये जगत छल है , सिर्फ़ रैन बसेरा , तू है पंछी , अब छोड़ घोंसला , भाग्य तेरा , लिखा जा चुका , पर तू अपने कर्मो का मालिक है , भाग रहा , तू जिस भीड़ में , वो अंधों की दौड़ है , चल पड़ा जो , तू मेरी ओर सारी माया , पीछे छोड़ , जितना सोचा , ज़्यादा पाया , फ़िर काहे की प्यास है .. मैं तेरा , तू मेरा है , बस इतना विश्वास कर , अँखिया तेरी मुझको ढूंढे , मैं तो तेरी हर साँस में , ज्ञान चक्षु तू खोल ज़रा , मैं   तो तेरी हर आस में।           द्वारा  अभिनव भटनागर  © २०१८  यह कविता संत कबीर दास की कविता &q