Amazing Facts about Universe

Transcription/प्रतिलिपि Universe is a vast place. Sometimes the facts here are stranger than fiction and hard to believe. Here are, 7 most amazing facts about universe which everyone should know.

Fact Number 1. Venus Rotation. A day on Venus is longer than a year. This is because rotation of Venus on its axis is slower than its revolution around the sun in its orbit. The year on Venus is around 225 days while a day on Venus is 243 Earth days.

Fact  Number 2. Burning Ice Planet. 33 light years away exists an exoplanet completely covered in burning ice. Exoplanets are named so because they revolve around the outer orbits of their star planetary system. Planet Gliese 436 b is around the size of our Neptune. And due to extreme temperature and pressure, the environment there, creates a unique condition where water, Hydrogen and Helium together form a burning ice.

Fact Number 3.  More than 3000 New Stars every second. that’s about 275 million new stars are born every day. Space is a huge place. A star is born when hydrogen atoms in space are close to each other. Due to gravitational pull they collapse over, to form a dense mass. Due to extreme pressure, temperature begin to rise until fusion reaction starts to convert Hydrogen into helium. This process release lots & lots of energy. But this process is not going to happen forever. Astrophysicists suggests that our universe is destined to heat death. as the space is expanding and eventually distance between atoms are increasing eventually the force binding them would not be great enough.

Fact Number 4.  Space Smells.  According to astronauts, space smells like seared steak, hot metal, and welding fumes. The reason is by-products of fusion going around in stars are smelly compounds called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. They appeared in comets, meteors and space dust. These hydrocarbons have even been shortlisted for the basis of the earliest forms of life on Earth. Not surprisingly, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons can be found in coal, oil and even food.

Fact Number 5.  Raspberries & Rum. researchers speculate that, the center of our galaxy tastes like raspberries and smells like rum. They did find a substance called ethyl formate, the chemical responsible for the flavor of raspberries. Ethyl formate has another distinguishing characteristic: it also smells of rum.

Fact Number 6.  Moon Receding. Each year the moon moves 3.8 cm(1.48in) further from the Earth. This is due to the Moon gravitational pull to Earth's ocean which creates tide. Due to the rotation of the Earth, this tidal bulge is slightly ahead of the Moon and as a result Some of the energy of the spinning Earth gets transferred to the tidal bulge via friction. This drives the bulge forward, keeping it ahead of the Moon. The tidal bulge feeds a small amount of energy into the Moon, pushing it into a higher orbit like the faster, outside lanes of a test track.

Fact Number 7.  Space Junk. According to NASA More than 500,000 pieces of debris, or “space junk,” are tracked as they orbit the Earth. They all travel at speeds up to 17,500 mph, fast enough for a relatively small piece of orbital debris to damage a satellite or a spacecraft. The rising population of space debris increases the potential danger to all space vehicles, but especially to the International Space Station, space shuttles and other spacecraft with humans aboard.

Stay tuned for more such amazing facts about our universe.

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