Using SVN with Bugzilla

Configuration management is required some way or the other to avoid any conflicting change and to keep track of what all is changed during development cycle. Following is a way to integrate SVN with Bugzilla to provide some basic tracking of what Bug is modified for which file.
1. Explore and open the root of SVN folder. Right Click and open properties as shown

 2. Following screen will open. Click New

3. On Add Properties page Select‚ bugtraq‘ properties and provide appropriate values like below:

 • name : bugtraq:url
Value: (string)
This value is the URL pointing to the bug tracking tool. The URL string should
Contain the substring "%BUGID%".
• name : bugtraq:warnifnoissue
Value: "true"/"yes" or "false"/"no"
If set to "true", then the clients will warn the user if the issue text box is
Left empty.
• name : bugtraq:logregex
Value: (string)
Example: BbUuGg (\d+)

 4. After setting up the values, click OK.

5. Now, if client forgets to enter proper comment like below and press OK.

 Warning message will be displayed -

 Also, Now Bugs entered in format “Bug <ID>”, will become hyper link in comment section and user can directly refer to it.

This will help in tracking which files are associated with which Bug.


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